Smoothing 2.0 - New deflicker algorithm for the RamperPro

The RamperPro has always set the standard for flicker free time lapse movies. But we have been able to improve this even more. Her is an example of a 20 stops sunrise that was shot totally unattended. The camera was left alone for four hours while it automatically ramped from 32" seconds at ISO 3200 to 1/1250th at ISO 100. The end result is super smooth because of the new 2.0 smoothing algorithm that creates the most accurate XMP correction files possible. These XMP files and the RAW files were loaded into After Affects to create the final render. No additional software or post production steps were used to create this really flicker free sunrise movie.
Smoothing 2.0 algorithm applied on a 20 stops sunrise from ElysiaVisuals on Vimeo.