How to get help

Its always possible that something is not clear and that you need help to get started. Please follow these guidelines when you need help from us:
- Please first check the online manual. We do get a lot of requests for help for subjects that are described on our site or in the tutorial videos.
- Some try to contact is via Facebook, email and our site at the same time when they are in a hurry. Please don't flood us. We are here to help you! One email is enough to get help from us.
- Its really best to contact us via mail. That way you are sure that your question is not lost and it gives us the possibility to send some links to manual pages that can help you.
- There is no need to write down all the settings that you used. There is a so called runfile next to the folder that holds the XMP files of your shoot. Please send us this runfile when you have a question. Then we can assess exactly what happened. Please only send the runfile that belongs to your specific question. We sometimes get a bunch of them and that makes it hard to find out what happened.
We will normally reply to your request within 24 hours. We are located in Europe and the time difference with, for example the US or Canada, can lead to a short delay. Its night here when the US is celebrating its' evening.