RamperPro firmware 3020 is available

We just uploaded the latest RamperPro firmware 3020 firmware. This firmware is the first step to a new feature that we will be releasing very soon from now (probably in a week). The next firmware (3021) will feature in-flight modification wizards. These wizards will enable you to modify your shoot while the RamperPro is running. You can, for example, modify the exposure by specifying the correction (in stops) and the number of images that the RamperPro can take to reach this correction. You can upgrade your RamperPro by connecting the unit to the Internet. Then go to the system menu (by pressing the tools button on the main button bar). Then press the button down button; there you will find the firmware upgrade page.
But how can you assess your current exposure when you are using a Nikon camera? Nikon camera's block the image review as soon as you connect them to a computer like the RamperPro via USB. This is where firmware 3020 comes in. You can now review your images on the display of the RamperPro (on both Nikon and Canon camera's). The RamperPro needs to download the jpeg images from you camera for this. So, you need to set your camera to either jpeg or RAW + jpeg. The RamperPro will then pull out the preview image out of the jpeg image so that it can be displayed on the display of the RamperPro.